Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Class-7 Sub :Science Chapter 7 Wheater climate and adaptations of animals to climate



science Chapter 7

Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate


Question 1:Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.

Answer:The elements that determine the weather of a place are temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed.

Question 2:When are the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day?

Answer:The maximum temperature of the day occurs in the afternoon while the minimum temperature occurs early in the morning.

Question 3:Fill in the blanks:

 (i) The average weather taken over a long time is called __climate__.

(ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the year, the climate of that place will be __hot__ and __dry__.

(iii) The two regions of the earth with extreme climatic conditions are _the polar region__ and _the tropical region__.

Question 4:Indicate the type of climate of the following areas:

 (a) Jammu and Kashmir: __Moderately hot and wet__

(b) Kerala: __Hot and wet__

(c) Rajasthan: __Hot and dry__

(d) North-east India: __Wet__

Question 5:Which of the two changes frequently, weather or climate?

Answer:Weather changes frequently.

Question 6:Following are some of the characteristics of animals:

Answer:(i) Diets heavy on fruits → Tropical rainforests

(ii) White fur → Polar regions

(iii) Need to migrate → Polar regions

(iv) Loud voice → Tropical rainforests

(v) Sticky pads on feet → Tropical rainforests

Question 7:The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals. Explain why it is so.

Answer:The climate of tropical rainforests is generally hot and humid with continuous rain. These hospitable climatic conditions support huge populations of plants and animals.

Question 8:How do elephant living in the tropical rainforest adapt itself.

Answer:An important and widely found animal of Indian tropical rainforests is the elephant. It has adapted remarkably to the conditions of this region. Some of the adaptations are as follows.

(i) It uses its trunk as nose so that it has a strong sense of smell.

(ii) Its trunk is also used for picking up food.

(iii) Its tusks are used to tear bark of trees. It can eat barks of trees.

(iv) The soles of their feet are covered with thick pads. These pads can handle their enormous weight. They also prevent sound so that the elephants can move silently.

(v) Its large ears have strong sense of hearing.

Question 9:Choose the correct option which answers the following question:

A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in

(i) polar regions

 (ii) tropical rainforests

Answer: (iv) tropical rainforests

Question 10: Which features adapt polar bears to live in extremely cold climate?

(i) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.

(ii) Thin skin, large eyes, a white fur.

Answer: (i)A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell

Class-6 Sub Science Chapter-9 The Living And their Surroundings


Chapter 9 
The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings


Question 1:What is a habitat?

Answer:A habitat is a natural environment where an organism lives. It is basically the address of an organism. Different plants and animals live in different habitats. For example, the habitat of a frog species is fresh water, while the habitat of a camel is a desert.

 Question 2:How is a cactus adapted to survive in a desert?

Answer:A cactus is able to survive in the desert as it is adapted to the hot and humid conditions of the desert. To survive in a desert, the cactus has the following adaptations:

(i) It has long roots that go deep inside the soil for absorbing water.

(ii) Its leaves are present in the form of spines to prevent water loss through transpiration.

(iii) Its stem is covered with a thick waxy layer to retain water.

 Question 3:Fill in the blanks:

 (a) The presence of specific features, which enable a plant or an animal to live in a particular habitat, is called __adaptation__.

(b) The habitats of plants and animals that live on land are called __terrestrial_ habitat.

(c) The habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called __aquatic__ habitat.

(d) Soil, water, and air are __abiotic__ factors of a habitat.

(e) Changes in our surrounding that makes us respond to them are called __stimuli__.


Question 4:Which of the things in the following list are non-living?

Plough, Mushroom, Sewing Machine, Radio, Boat, Water Hyacinth, Earthworm

Answer: In the given list, the non-living things are plough, sewing machine, radio, and boat. On the other hand, mushroom, water hyacinth, and earthworms are living things.

 Question 5: Give an example of a non-living thing that shows any two characteristics of living things.

Answer:Car is an example of a non-living thing that shows two characteristics of living things. A car can move from one place to another. Also, it requires energy just like living things.

 Question 6:List the common characteristics of living things.

Answer:6 Some common characteristics of living things are that they

(a) require food

(b) respire and excrete waste material

(c) respond to stimuli in their environment

(d) reproduce to maintain their number

(e) move from one place to another


Class-6 Sub Science Chapter-8 Body Movements

 Chapter 8 – Body Movements


Question 1:Fill in the blanks:

 (a) Joints of bones help in the __movement__ of body.

(b) A combination of bones and cartilages forms the __skeleton__ of the body.

(c) Bones at the elbow are joined by a __hinge__ joint.

(d) The contraction of the __muscle__ pulls the bones during movement.

Question 2: Indicate true (T) or false (F) for the following sentences.

 (a) Movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same. (False)

(b) Cartilages are harder than bones. (False)

(c) Finger bones do not have joints. (False)

(d) The fore arm has two bones. (True)

(e) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton. (True)

Question 3:Match the items in Column I with one or more items in Column II.


Column I

Column II

Upper jaw

is an immovable joint


have a streamlined body; have fins on the body


protect the heart


shows very slow movement


has an outer skeleton; can fly in the air

Question 4:Answer the following:

(a) What is a ball and socket joint?

Ans (a) Ball and socket joint is a movable joint. It consists of a bone that has a round head, which fits into a cup like depression of another bone. This helps the bone to rotate freely. Examples of such joints are hip and shoulder joints.

(b) Which of the skull bones are movable?

Ans (b) Mandible bone which forms the lower jaw is the only skull bone that is movable.

 (c) Why can our elbow not move backwards?

Ans (c) The elbow has a hinge joint. This type of a joint allows the movement in one plane only. Therefore, our elbow cannot move backwards.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Answer the following question:-

Que-1 What is aggradation?

Ans-1 A modification of the earth's surface in the direction of uniformity of grade by deposition is called aggradations.


Que-2What are residual mountains?
2 Mountains that have been eroded by the agents of degradation such as winds, rain, frost and running water leaving behind only the hard rocks are known as residual mountains. These hard rocks that are left behind are known as the residual mountains.

Que-3 What is tableland?
Ans-3  A table or tableland is a mountain that have a flat top.

Que-4 what are mountains?  
Ans-4 mountain is a large landform that rises above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak. A mountain is generally considered to be steeper than a hill. Mountains are formed through tectonic forces or volcanism.

Que-5  what are the uses of plateaus?
Ans-5  The uses of plateaus are.

1.The grasslands are extensively used for live stock rearing.

2. The plateaus which have been formed by the solidification of lava, are rich in black soil they are very fertile and good for crops like cotton and sugarcane.

3.The scenic beauty of plateau areas also attracts many tourists.

 Que-6 what are plains and write the advantages of plains?
Ans-6 Plains are also called as plateaus which are flat land and have short height. They cover about 40% of earths surface.

Advantages of plains are

1) It helps human in fulfilling their need of food and shelter

2) Reduces the risk of floods

3) Increases fertility leading to more production

4) Encourages to practice agriculture

5) Increase in natural resources.

CLASS-8 HINDI CHAPTER-5 लौहपुरुष सरदार पटेल

Chapter 5 लौहपुरुष सरदार पटेल
प्रश्न अभ्यास

प्रश्न 1. सही जोड़ी बनाइए:
) लौहपुरुष –            1. सरदार पटेल
) महात्मा –               2. गांधी।
) देशबंधु –               3. चितरंजनदास
) लोकमान्य –          4. बाल गंगाधर तिलक

प्रश्न 2. दिए गए विकल्पों में से रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति कीजिए:-

() सरदार पटेल को  लौहपुरुष, कहा जाता है। (शलाका पुरुष, लौहपुरुष)
) सरदार पटेल के विशिष्ट गुण बचपन से ही प्रकट होने लगे थे। (प्रमुख गुण, विशिष्ट गुण)
) उनके पास हाजिर-जवाबी तथा विनोदप्रियता का अक्षय और असीम  कोष था। (असीम, निस्सीम)
) हठी विद्रोहियों को विनयानुशासन में लाना उन्हें भली प्रकार आता था। (अनुशासन, विनयानुशासन)
प्रश्न 2.अति लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न
) सरदार पटेल का स्वभाव कैसा था?
) सरदार पटेल का स्वभाव अत्यधिक वीर, निर्भय, दृढ़ निश्चयी, परिश्रमी और लगनशील था।

() सहायकों तथा अनुयायियों द्वारा भूल करने पर सरदार पटेल क्या करते थे?
) अपने सहायकों तथा अनुयायियों द्वारा भूल करने पर सरदार पटेल उन पर कृपा ही करते थे। वे उनकी देखभाल और चिंता पिता के के समान करते थे।

() सरदाल पटेल ने गृहमंत्री के रूप में कौन-सा महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य किया?
) सरदार पटेल ने गृहमंत्री के रूप में देशी रियासतों के एकीकरण का महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्य किया।

() सरदार पटेल की प्रबल आकांक्षा क्या थी?
) सरदार पटेल की यह प्रबल आकांक्षा थी कि भारत अपनी स्वतंत्रता की रक्षा करने में सबल और सुयोग्य बन जाए।

() पटेल को सरदार की उपाधि कैसे मिली?
) स्वतंत्रता-संग्राम के समय में दिए गए उनके महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदानों के कारण पटेल को सरदार की उपाधि मिली।

प्रश्न 3.लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न

() सरदार पटेल को लौहपुरुष क्यों कहा जाता है?
उत्तर-सरदार पटेल का व्यक्तित्व बड़ा ही बेजोड़ था। उनकी प्रतिभा बड़ी ही अद्भुत थी। उनकी बुद्धि अत्यधिक आकर्षक थी। उनकी प्रशासनिक क्षमता प्रशंसनीय थी। वे कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी सफलता को प्राप्त ही कर लेते थे।वे वीर, निर्भय, दृढ़ निश्चयी, मेहनती और उत्साही थे। इन्हीं विशेषताओं के कारण सरदार पटेल कोलौह पुरुषकहा जाता है।

() सरदार पटेल का अपने अनुयायियों के साथ व्यवहार कैसा था?
उत्तर-सरदार पटेल का व्यवहार अपने अनुयायियों के प्रति बड़ा ही सरस और उदार था। वे उनके द्वारा कोई गलत कदम उठाए जाने पर भी, उन्हें माफ़ कर देते थे। उन्हें प्रेमपूर्वक समझाते थे। उन पर वे अपनी कृपा हमेशा किया करते थे।

() सरदार पटेल किस गुण के कारण अपने विरोधियों को पछाड़ दिया करते थे?
उत्तर-सरदार पटेल को जिस युद्ध का सेनापति बनाया जाता, उसमें उनकी ही आज्ञा अंतिम होती थी। उसके दाँव-पेंच को भी अच्छी तरह जान लेते थे। इससे युद्ध की कला दिखलाते हुए अंतिम चोट करने में सफल हो जाते थे। उनकी यह भी बहुत बड़ी विशेषता थी कि वे अपने विरोधी व्यक्तियों अथवा अन्य राजनीतिक दलों की कमजोरियों को अच्छी तरह से जानते थे। उन कमजोरियों को अपने दिल-दिमाग में अच्छी तरह से बैठा लेते थे। फिर उसके द्वारा वे अपने विरोधियों को पछाड़ दिया करते थे।

भाषा की बात

प्रश्न 1.बोलिए और लिखिए: व्यक्तिगत, यद्यपि, परिलक्षित, तत्कालीन, सार्वजनिक, प्रशासनिक, उल्लेखनीय, कृपालु, विनोदप्रियता।